Why do population want to downgrade there Psp? Its simple really, if you want to be able to play downloaded games on your Psp you must downgrade the firmware version to allow you to play the games. Ok that may seem at bit backward, usually you would want to upgrade your stuff to the newest version. The qoute with upgrading a Sony Psp is that with these updates (upgrades) comes extra protection from Sony. Basically Sony trying to save there ass and make everyone buy full price games, or may be thats just me being cynical.
Sony bring out new firmware (operating system) versions quite often. These updates usually add a combine of new features, but they can also install new protection features which make playing downloaded games or installing hacks like Homebrew games impossible. Since the publish of the Psp the hackers have wasted no time at all, with each new firmware version being cracked, so that it can be downgraded to allow the downloaded games to be played. To install and play the downloaded games and install new themes you need to be running firmware version 1.5 or 1.0.
Downgrading your Psp can invalidate the warranty but more importantly can, if done incorrectly or without the allowable facts turn your Psp into a useless piece of junk (bricked). Beware of websites sites that give free downgrading information. Don't get me wrong getting facts for free is great but make sure you can trust the website you are getting the info from. an additional one tip is to make sure your Psp is plugged in to the mains or at least got a full charge, if it goes flat during the downgrade you are right in the brown and smelly stuff my friend.
So what are the advantages of downgrading your Psp?
Well you will be able to play all the homebrew games you want, including games not originally made for the Psp. For example Snes, Atari and Megadrive games, ever fancied a bit of Mario or Sonic on your Psp. You will be able to use all of your popular software not released for the Psp, now this has endless uses and you will be amazed at what you can do with your Psp. All for something that takes colse to 10 minutes to complete.
How do you know what firmware your Psp is?
Ok this is pretty right transmit to settle which version of the Psp operating system you are currently running:
1. Navigate your way to the main menu on your Psp.
2. pick Settings -> system Settings -> system Information.
3. Look for system Software Version X.Xx. Where X.Xx is the version number of your Psp firmware. (1.0, 1.50, 1.51, 1.52, 2.0, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0)
4. Now you will know which downloader and/or updater you will need.
* Note that any version greater than 1.51 will prevent you from running Homebrew and other independent applications.
Just a quick note . Downgrading a Sony Psp is perfectly legal. Its your Psp you can do as you wish with it, nobody can tell you want firmware version to run. Oh and if you were wondering you can well upgrade the firmware version at a later date should you so wish, its just a matter of returning to the former firmware of your Psp or updating via a Umd.
If you want to downgrade your Psp but you are worried about causing damage I propose using a comprehensive guide put together for population just like you, it will take you step by step straight through the process of downgrading. Well it saves having a bricked Psp.
Downgrade Psp - What You Should Know Before Downgrading Your Psp
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