Saturday, January 29, 2011


Sony PSP2 NGP Video Clips. Duration : 0.60 Mins.

The PSP2 is finally here. Sony has unveiled its new PlayStation Portable in a conference in Tokyo today, as our first official look, a bold foray into the PlayStation Portable game machine, the Next Generation Mobile ". Here are the first details. Hardware Sony confirms many of the functions of the PSP2, which we heard in the form of leaks, rumors and speculation. The PSP2 features high-resolution OLED touch-sensitive screen that is larger than the original PSPScreen tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS controller, two analog sticks, cameras front and rear of the front and a rear touch-sensitive. Sony boasts that the new PlayStation Portable as a powerful PlayStation 3. The device has built-in WiFi and 3G wireless connectivity and no longer uses a completely new form of storage media for UMD game. For now Sony is officially named the new PlayStation Portable with the code name, Next Generation Mobile or NGP. And 'from this holiday in Japan. CPU:TBD * RAM: TBD * Storage: Unidentified "new media" for games, on-board flash memory * Display: 5 inches with 960 x 544 resolution * OLED Wireless: WiFi, 3G, GPS * inputs: touch screen, touch-sensitive rear wall, D-Pad, shoulder L / R buttons standard PlayStation games Sony has made a handful of new PSP games next to the show, including the new title Little deviant Reality Fighters, Gravity Daze, games based on more PlayStation franchise below. * UnchartedKill Zone ...

Tags: My, Movie

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